
« The annual St Seraphim Youth Camp of the Diocese of Sourozh took place from 25th July - 5th August, 2022 »

The annual St Seraphim Youth Camp of the Diocese of Sourozh took place from 25th July - 5th August in the village of Malswick, Gloucestershire. More than 120 people participated in the event, including over ninety children aged from 8-17, together with youth leaders and helpers.
This year along with children from our own diocesan communities, as well as representatives of other Orthodox jurisdictions throughout the UK, our camp hosted a number of children belonging to refugee families from Ukraine, who were given free places, thanks to the generosity of parishes and individual benefactors.
The children’s camps of the Sourozh Diocese were begun by Metropolitan Anthony, many decades ago, and continue to this day in his spirit of living as a family of faith - praying, learning living together in community. Each day includes morning and evening prayers, lessons or discussions about the Orthodox faith, as well as opportunities for games, sports, arts and crafts, music and other creative activities. The participants live together outdoors in tents, so it was a blessing this year to have good weather and sunshine for nearly all of the time.
The formal programme started with the traditional blessing of the camp, together with all the tents and their occupants. Some days featured special events, including a hike (the ‘Big Walk’), swimming, archery, raft building and a ‘Kings and Queens’ theme day. Other activities included camp fires, barbecue, a dance night and a movie night. 
As usual the highlight of the camp was the celebration of the Feast of St Seraphim of Sarov, our patron saint, kept this year on the preceding day, as it was also Sunday.  We were delighted that with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh we received a visit from His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe (ROCOR), who presided at the liturgy on Sunday 31st July. Bishop Irenei was assisted at the Liturgy by the Dean of the Diocesan District of Central England Archpriest Stephen Platt, Dean of the Diocesan District of East England Archpriest Raphael Armour, Dean of the Diocesan District of South West England Archpriest Joseph Skinner and Deacon Alexey Kostyanovsky. At the end of the breakfast after the Liturgy, Vladyka taught the campers one of the songs that he had introduced to our camp during his student days when he helped as one of our leaders. 
In the evening, we held our traditional Camp Feast, a formal banquet with musical performances in honour of St Seraphim.
The Divine Liturgy was also celebrated on 28th July (for the feast of St Vladimir), 1st August (for St Seraphim) and 4th August (for St Mary Magdalene, also the memorial day of Metropolitan Anthony). During the Course of the camp, all the campers and leaders had the opportunity to make their confession. 
Following two years of challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s camp was a great blessing to all involved. We are grateful to all of our helpers and leaders, who give freely of their time, energy and enthusiasm to make the camp such a success, and also to our friends and benefactors, without whose support the camp could not take place. 

Archpriest Stephen Platt

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