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With the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, a pilgrimage to the Holy Island of Kerkera (Corfu) will be organised in 2019/2020. The pilgrims would be able to participate in festivities, Liturgy and venerate relics of St Spiridon, visit many saints and monasteries of the Holy Island.
The program of the pilgrimage by the day is as follows:


1st day. Arrival to Corfu, 9:00. 
Hotel, Rest, dinner.


2nd day . Packed meal (to be eaten after Liturgy). Convent of Mother of God of Kassopitra, meeting with Archimandritus Polikarp, spiritual Son of St Paisius. Veneration of relics of St Arsenius of Kappadokias. Convent of Holy Martyr St Euphemia. Church of Mother of God of Vlaherne. Coming back to hotel. Dinner.


3rd day. Breakfast. St Spiridon Cathedral, veneration of relics of St Spiridon. Visiting places associated with Andmiral Theodor Ushakov, venerated as Saint, the saviour of Corfu. Prayer service near monument to St Theodore Ushakov.  Visit to Cathedral of St Theodora to venerate her relics (she is major Saint who saved Orthodoxy from Iconoclasm). Veneration of relics of St Yanson and St Sosipatra - Apostles of the Seventy in the oldest church in Corfu (XII century).
Coming back to hotel. Dinner.


4th day. Breakfast. Trip to the Monastery of Paleokostritsa, visiting Life Giving Spring. Monastery of St Paraskeva of Rome, martyr of the II century. Veneration of relics of St Paraskeva and her Wonder-working Icon. Visit to the mens Monastery of Agios Kiriaki, womens monastery of Pantokrator, womens monastery of St Dimitrius, womens skit of Pantokrator Kamarela.
Coming back to hotel. Dinner.


5th day.. Packed meal (to be eaten after Liturgy). Lithurgy on the The Feast day in St Spiridon Cathedral.  Free time.


6th day. Breakfast in hotel. Transfer to the airport (for the flight at 14:50 to London).


The cost ofthe pilgrimage @£600, but final price may be lower, depending on the number of participants.
The hotel would be 5 stars in the centre of Town, 2-3 people in the room, Breakfast and Dinner. 
Minibus, Orthodox Guide will accompany our group throughout. Priest from our Diocese will lead the pilgrimage. What is not included is plus air tickets.

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