
« Clerics of the Diocese of Sourozh took part in the consecration of a new iconostasis in the Serbian parish of Dublin, Ireland »

On May 1, 2022, on the 2nd Sunday after Pascha, the clergy of the Irish Deanery of the Diocese of Sourozh archpriest Mikhail Nasonov, priest Ioann Kazadoev and deacon Sergiy Starovoitov took part in the Sunday Divine Liturgy at the Serbian Church of St. George the Victorious in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.  The divine service was headed by Bishop Dosifei, Head of the British-Scandinavian Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the consecration of a new iconostasis took place. The iconostasis was made by the care of the Rector, archpriest Mladen Gardovic, and the parishioners of the Serbian community in Dublin.