
« On the eve of the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh officiated an evening service at the Dormition Cathedral in London »

On January 13, 2023, on the eve of the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord, the day of memory of St. Basil the Great, His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh celebrated an all-night vigil at the Dormition Cathedral in London.
His Grace was assisted by Archpriest Maxim Nikolsky, Secretary of the Diocese of Sourozh Archpriest Dimitry Nedostupenko, and Protodeacon Vadim Santsevitch.
Liturgical chants were performed by the choir of the Cathedral under the direction of Dmitry Tugarinov.
At Matins, after reading the Holy Gospel, the Right Reverend Archpastor anointed the clergy and believers with consecrated oil.