
« On the name day of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom), Bishop Matthew of Sourozh served a panikhida »

On July 23, 2022, on the day of memory of St. Anthony of the Caves, of Kyiv, the head of all Russian monks, the heavenly patron of the founder of the Sourozh diocese, Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom), His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh served a panikhida for the ever-memorable Vladyka Anthony in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Bogorodskoye, Moscow.
Parishioners of the church, admirers of the archpastoral ministry of Metropolitan Anthony, prayed at the panikhida.
Panikhidas were also served in the parishes of the Sourozh diocese, and prayers were offered up during litanies for the repose of the ever-memorable archpastor.