
« On the day of Radonitsa a panikhida was served at the tomb of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) »

On May 3, 2022, on the day of Radonitsa, with the blessing of Bishop Matthew of Sourozh, a panikhida was served at the resting place of ever-memorable Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) at the Old Brompton Cemetery in London.
The panikhida was headed by Secretary of the Diocese of Sourozh, priest Dimitry Nedostupenko, and concelebrated by archpriest Maxim Nikolsky, archpriest Vitaly Polishchuk, Dean of the Diocesan District of South-East England, archpriest Joseph Skinner, Dean of the Diocesan District of South-West England, priest Dimitry Lukian, cleric of the Kyiv diocese, protodeacon Vadim Santsevich and deacon Victor Nikiforov.
Funeral hymns were sang by the choir singers of the London Dormition Cathedral under the direction of Dimitry Tugarinov.
Upon completion of the panikhida, priest Dimitri Nedostupenko addressed the audience with a word about the spiritual legacy of Metropolitan Anthony, his feat of preaching about Christ and his fidelity to the canonical Mother Church throughout his life.  Memories of Metropolitan Anthony were also shared by archpriest Maxim Nikolsky and archpriest Joseph Skinner.
Parishioners of the Cathedral, followers of Vladyka's heritage, many of whom were, for many years, personally acquainted with the ever-memorable Metropolitan Anthony, came to honour the memory of the founder of the Diocese of Sourozh.