Pilgrimage to St NIKOLAI, Bari

Pilgrimage to St NIKOLAI 16th – 20th December 2013 in Bari ITALY
With the Blessing of our Archbishop ELISEY of SOUROZH , we do organise a Pilgrimage to the Relics of St NIKOLAI in Bari for His Feast celebrated on 19th December 2013.
1 ) Flights : Alitalia AZ243 and AZ7462, Dep 16 December from Heathrow 9.45 (stopover in Milan ) Arrival Bari 15.30
Alitalia AZ7042 and AZ 238, Departure 20 December from Bari 12.50 (stopover in Rome ) Arrival Heathrow 18.00
Price: £ 147 return ticket through Skyscanner £154
Including 1 luggage of 23 KG and hand luggage Everybody must purchase its own ticket individually without any delays.
2)Hotel Boston(3stars)in Bari: Price : Double room E 85 = £ 76.57 or £ 38.28 per person ( bank rate 1.11)
Single room E 65 = £ 58.55 All rooms are very comfortable with bathroom, TV, including buffet breakfast. We must make an advance payment by international banking transfer ( fee £ 20 ). Please send immediately your cheque in GB Pounds payable to Fr Michael GOGOLEFF to my address: 76, Dovers Park BATHFORD - BATH BA1 7UE. After receiving all your cheques, we will transfer the total amount towards the hotel bank account in Euro. Total price for 4 nights Double room : £ 306.28 ( £ 153.14 per person ) Total “ 4 “ Single room : £ 234.20
3 ) Bus Hire in Bari : We will try to hire a medium bus for the 2 transfers Airport – Hotel , plus 2 transports Hotel – Russian Church St Nikolai and 2 transports Hotel – Basilica Of St Nicolao . We are investigating prices in Euro and will let you know asap.
4 ) Programme of the Pilgrimage :
- 16th December : travel Heathrow – Bari, transfer by bus to Hotel Boston
- 17th “ : visit of the Medieval Old Town of Bari, visit to the Basilica
- 18th “ : visit the fortress, free time, at 18Hr Vigils and Matins at The Russian Orthodox Church St Nikolai
- 19th December : at 9 Hr Pontifical Liturgy celebrated by all the Bishops and Priests
- at St Nicolao Basilica on the Relics of the Saint
- 20th “ : transfer to Bari airport, travel Bari – Heathrow
To join the pilgrims group, please contact Archpriest Michael Gogoleff
Tel. 01225858792
or by e-mail: dangog55@wp.pl